Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old

One step too late

One of my goal in 2016 is to negotiate a parttime position at my job. Some of the benefits for that is I’d still have health insurance. I’d still keep my medical knowledge fresh. Some of people who’ve reached financial independence and hated their job want to quit completely but my passion is still in the medical field for now. Long story short – I STILL HAVE NOT Done that yet, and I only have four months to go before the year 2016 is ended.

Anyhow, parttime people at my work don’t get to put on the rotation for the overnight shift, and I’m not a good daytime sleeper nor a night owl, so the overnight shift is particularly draining physically and mentally on me.

Light proofing my bedroom for the overnight position. Can’t wait to never work overnight shift ever again.

6 comments on “One step too late

  1. FerdiS
    August 25, 2016

    I can really appreciate your reluctance to work night shift. My wife is a nurse and in order to get a full-time position, she had to work night shift for 2 years. We all hated that! Fortunately, she’s now morning shift (7am-3:30pm) so things are going much better.

    All the best!


    • Vivianne
      September 1, 2016

      I have the utmost respect for nursing. Their hours are definitely hectic. They also risking their lives caring for patience – Ebola case, infectious diseases. It’s a noble job.

      Kudo to your wife and her great work.

      I’ve just finished my 7-days and I’m spent. I don’t know how people can put their bodies to this much stress, I’ve lost 4 pounds in 7 days. This is nut!


  2. Tawcan
    September 1, 2016

    I have never worked night shift but I can see how that gets to you quick. I’d definitely bring up the part time work talk sooner than later if I were you. 🙂


  3. Team CF
    September 2, 2016

    Oh year, night shifts are a killer. Done that a couple of times, including over Christmas…. not a recommendation. Good luck Vivianne.


    • Vivianne
      September 2, 2016

      Thank you! I did my whole 7 days. Off to the beach I go!

      Saw a lot of overdoses, I read on yahoo that they were coming from the same batch. Wonder the cartel changed “chef”?

      A lot of motor vehicle accidents, some parents will never get to see their son, people car turn over driving home from work. All sort of tragedies. Aside from physical strain, it seems like the overnight shift, there seems to be bigger tragedies when it does happen. One patient coded 3 times … Sticking ourselves with HIV contaminated needle happens more than you think.

      It’s certainly not my thing as I continue to carry it with me. Hopefully, 3 days at the beach for a long weekend will bounce me back to regular sleeping schedule as I woke up at 3 in the morning, wide awake …

      One thing noted though, the overnight staffs, a lot of them are overweight, they weren’t when they started. I’ve watched them going from “featherweight” to … “Heavyweight”. Eating, drinking energy drinks, and taking sleeping medication during the day isn’t my kind of life. They all seems “happy” with what they were doing as their attitude is they don’t have to deal with “day time craps” hehehe.

      My dad was in the military, my friend was in the military, they all say the same thing, everybody carry a big container of water, when your team member fall asleep, you remind them to drink water. I drank 2.5-3 liters of water every night. I like it hot, as somehow, at night the temperature falls to the 60s, and I had trouble maintaining my core temperature as I was rapidly losing weight.


  4. Team CF
    September 6, 2016

    Good tips on the drinking of lots of water, never did that. But I do recognize the unhealthy behaviours during night shifts (myself included at that time).

    And all those tragedies, have heard that same story from physician friends that were on the IC unit. Sad really.

    Hope that the beach was rewarding!


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