Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old

November Dividend Income +26.3%


Photo was taken near the park close to our property.


For everyone who’s been following my journey, I thank you for your continuing support. It’s been a spectacular dividend year.

Can you believe it? It only a month away from the year end. I had to work during Thanksgiving’s. Somebody has to do the job, t

November marks the first months that my Mini Canadian Bank ETFs and additional buys here producing dividends. During the market downturn in August, September and October, I took an opportunity to buy up Canadian Big Banks, increase in number of shares in the stocks that I’ve already owned. All of which was yielding >4% at the time. It was too sweet of a deal to pass up, and as you can see the investment is paying off so far in the price appreciation and dividend appreciation.

11/27/2015BMO – BANK MONTREAL QUEBEC 112615 22 $13.49

11/25/2015C – CITIGROUP INC NEW 112515 100 $5.00

11/24/2015RY – ROYAL BANK CANADA MONTREAL QUE 112415 10 $5.92

11/20/2015CAT – CATERPILLAR INC 112015 35 $26.95

11/19/2015COF – CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP 111915 30 $12.00

11/16/2015PG – PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 111615 20 $13.26

11/16/2015O – REALTY INCOME CORP REIT 111615 50 $9.53

11/13/2015KMI – KINDER MORGAN INC DEL 111315 40 $20.40

11/2/2015T – AT & T INC 110215 30 $14.10

11/2/2015DRI – DARDEN RESTAURANTS 110215 10 $5.50

11/2/2015DE – DEERE & CO 110215 10 $6.00

11/2/2015VZ – VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS COM 110215 200 $113.00

Total  $245.15

2015 Dividends:

This month is noticeably higher than the $180.72 in dividends I received in August 2015. While $245.15 doesn’t look like much, but it’s  a 26.3% increase over the quarter. You know, if I can double it two more times, that would be a living wage somewhere in the South America, Southeast Asia, or Africa. The market has recovered by 8%, it will be hard to find great deals as the month of August and September, but I won’t let that stand in my progress.

I was able to cover just over 20% of my expenses (check out how I kept my lifestyle from inflating) this past month through the power of dividends. It’s really great to know that I was able to cover 10% of my monthly expenditures without lifting a finger. I don’t have to get up at 4am to be at work somewhere to earn that amount. It’s completely passive income.

The progress of dividend growth investing is real and tangible. The market can decide to mark up or mark down the value of a company day by day, but the dividends will still roll into my brokerage account just like usual. Dividends are reliable just like my expenses, and that’s one of the reasons I plan to use this strategy as my secondary income generator through early retirement. I either use dividend income to continue to reinvest to offset old age expenses or if one day I’m tired of managing property, dividend income will serve as my main source of income. It’s funny when my income is now come from 12 businesses rather than just relying on one company (my job). My job which there is always a risk of getting fired or layoff at anytime, but with pay checks coming from 12 different sources, even if I don’t receive pay from 1 or 2, I’m still largely unaffected. That’s the beauty of dividend investing strategy.

With 11 months of 2015 behind us, I’m now almost achieve one of my goals to generate $3,000 in dividends during the year. I am 92.4% on my way to completing my primary goal. I’m a little ahead. I’ve now received a total of $2525.94 in dividends for the year of 2015.

I’ll add November into my dividend page to reflect the changes.

12 comments on “November Dividend Income +26.3%

  1. Dividend Chimp
    November 30, 2015

    Nice – you’ll hit the $3,000 mark in no time. Congratulations!


    • Vivianne
      December 4, 2015

      I hope so. I’m shooting to double that 2016 to $6k, to have an average of $500/mo. It will be a living wage somewhere, prior to my calling off work. 🙂


  2. Roadmap2Retire
    November 30, 2015

    Another great month, Vivianne. Congrats on the dividend income…keep up the great work!



    • Vivianne
      December 4, 2015

      Thank you, bro! I always go to your blogs to get the ideas in what’s going on in the market.


  3. Investing Pursuits
    November 30, 2015

    Congrats on the dividend income, Vivianne. That is an impressive increase from the equivalent month in the last quarter.


    • Vivianne
      December 4, 2015

      Thanks! Most of that gain was during the 10% correction. It’s so cool to connect with experience blogger like yourself, you also bought a bunch in the down turn.


  4. Dividend Income Stocks
    December 1, 2015

    Congrats on the dividend income! You’re ahead of the game!


    • Vivianne
      December 4, 2015

      Thanks! I visited your blog, it looks like the 25 years plan is definitely doable. However, I feel like you will achieve it in less than 25 years though. That’s the beauty of tracking our investment, we won’t get this sort of transparent had we hand over our finance to a financial advisor.


  5. Dividend Hustler
    December 2, 2015

    Congrats on the progress and the dividend income Vivianne. I’m happy for you and your progress. It’s wonderful to be able to receive income passively. That’s the best type of cash. Keep it up and thanks for logging for efforts with us. Always a pleasure stopping by. Cheers .


    • Vivianne
      December 3, 2015

      Thanks for the words of encouragement! You lead the way, bro. Everyone should check out your monstrous dividend payout you achieve each month. You’re a huge inspiration for many dgi like myself. I hope to reach your level one day.


  6. B
    December 6, 2015

    Hi Vivianne

    You’ve already FI there, any increase now would be a bonus for you 🙂

    What a great moment for you to be reaching your goal in a month’s time to end the year with a bang there.

    Good stuff always.


  7. Dividend Diplomats
    December 6, 2015

    Another solid increase! Great job Vivianne. That’s how you march towards financial freedom. I like the picture from the park nearby. Fall is such a great time of the year and there are a lot of great photo opportunities to be had!

    Let’s finish 2015 out strong!



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